Book your Rotterdam Art Week tour by Ewald x Ros!

Join the official Rotterdam Art Week tour partner Ewald x Ros on an inspirational, guided tour, but be quick to book via as available spots are limited. 

TOUR 1: THURSDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 2024, 14:00-15.30 HRS
Celebrating art as activism – 25 years of Art Rotterdam

We will take you along to some of the galleries that have participated in Art Rotterdam since the early days, while we will surely visit daring newbies and the not-to-be-missed artworks.
Expect an eclectic mix of artworks and stories covering all kinds of media. 

Enjoy and be surprised! Of course, we’ll share our art tips to help you get started.

Fee: € 19,50 (Incl. ticket for Art Rdam on Feb 1, excl. service fee)
Language: Dutch or English (depending on the group)
Meeting point: Van Nelle Factory, entrance 3, entrance hall

TOUR 2: SATURDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:30-12:00 HRS
Art Inside-Out – Celebration of 25 Years of Art Rotterdam

Art Rotterdam celebrates its 25th anniversary with a final edition at the Van Nelle Factory – the location it moved to 10 years ago. 

Everything moves with the times, and so the art fair once more invites leading artists to make statements with their sculptures in the outdoor area. Among the commissioned artists are Willem Besselink and Dré Wapenaar.

Ewald x Ros is again curating a varied tour of several sculptures outside and inside at the art fair. Will there be more three-dimensional work in this edition? What are the current trends in art, and to what extent do digital possibilities play a role? Join us and get inspired. We will share our art tips with you as an excellent orientation.

Fee: € 19,50 (Incl. ticket Art Rdam on Feb 3, excl. service fee)
Language: Dutch or English (depending on the group)
Meeting point: Van Nelle Factory, entrance 3, entrance hall

TOUR 3: SUNDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:00-12:00 HRS
Art in the City – Celebrating connection through encounter, recognition and understanding

Rotterdam has the Netherlands’ most significant city art collection in public space. The works are just there, which is unique.

On the last day of the Rotterdam Art Week, Ewald x Ros will show you an inspiring selection of sculptures in the city by international and national artists, such as Tomas J. Price, Auguste Rodin, Kalliopi Lemos, Paul McCarthy, Anthony Gormley and Anne Wenzel in a 2-hour walk.

Join us, from Central Station to the river Maas, and see what art contributes to the city and experience how it can touch your heart.

We will marvel at some striking sculptures and reflect together on the creator’s idea. From Moments Contained via Museum Park to the very new, impressive Razzia Monument.

As a bonus, we’ll visit the Kunsthal Rotterdam to see the four nominees work for the NN Art Award 2024.

Ewald x Ros, the city art collection experts, offers a unique experience and a memorable orientation with this art walk in the city Centre and a perfect connection to the Art Rotterdam outdoor sculptures*. We’ll share our inside-art tips with you. Kind support by CBK Rotterdam.

Cost: € 19,50 (*Incl. ticket Art Rdam on Feb 4 + printed Art Route Rdam-Centre, excl. service fee)
Language: Netherlands or English (depending on the group)
Meeting point: Rotterdam Central Station

BOOK YOUR Rotterdam Art Week TOUR by Ewald x Ros via 


We are happy to help! Book a private tour for your group (friends, family, relations, colleagues) to enjoy the art, city + food/drink afterwards). Info and reservations:


Ewald x Ros loves to connect you through art encounters – during Rotterdam Art Week and beyond – with our amazing art scene in Rotterdam. Info and reservations:

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